Passport applications generally take up to four to six weeks or longer to be processed by the Department of State. You can check the current processing times at the U.S. Department of State website.

If you need your passport sooner, you may request expedited processing of your passport application. The fee for this service is $60.00 per passport plus the $21.53 cost of overnight delivery to and from the Passport Agency. These fees must be paid by check or money order made out to the U.S. Department of State. Expedited processing will result in you getting your passport in about two to three weeks.

If you need your passport in less time, you will need to make an appointment to take your paperwork directly to a Passport Agency. Please visit the U.S. Department of State website for more details if you need to make an appointment to get your passport in fewer than three weeks.Questions?  Call us at (914) 995-3088 or (914) 995-3089 or send an e-mail to .